We rescued these african dwarf frogs from a very small container that they shared with a betta. The betta repeatedly punched the frogs in the belly with its nose and the frogs cowered below hardly ever moving. I couldn't stand it any longer and moved the frogs to a larger bowl to finally this tank. We started feeding them bloodworms instead of the fish pellets (that the betta ate anyway) and we can tell they have grown. I adopted them and after a traumatizing drive home- they are adjusting and seem in good spirits.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
bye bye birdies...hello frogs
We rescued these african dwarf frogs from a very small container that they shared with a betta. The betta repeatedly punched the frogs in the belly with its nose and the frogs cowered below hardly ever moving. I couldn't stand it any longer and moved the frogs to a larger bowl to finally this tank. We started feeding them bloodworms instead of the fish pellets (that the betta ate anyway) and we can tell they have grown. I adopted them and after a traumatizing drive home- they are adjusting and seem in good spirits.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Backyard Wildlife (and frontyard)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Birds in the garden
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Meet the new neighbors...
The nest had to be close and my first guess was the snag of cedar trees until Brian said they never go directly to the nest. So I went outside to the side of our house where there is a beautiful overgrown flowering tree. I poked my head under the branches and resurfaced underneath the dense, sheltered perennial amongst the pink blossoms and yes, when I turned my head- the robin's nest.
I was face to face with the mamma robin! Perhaps a foot separated us and she dare not move- hoping I would not see her. I slowly retreated to leave her in peace. But we did snap a few photos while the parents were away. (Brian took the awesome photo of the nestlings!)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Birds in the Garden (and things with wings)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Welcome to the Southwest
After a little research on the internet me and Brian booked a week at the Casitas de Gila which was recommended by Sunset magazine as one of the top 10 places to visit. Ok- I just looked it up and it was actually top 10 romantic cottages, but I think everyone who has visited would say top 10 places to visit. We were hooked with the description and sign posting of a "stress-free zone".
Casitas de Gila get big thumbs up! I loved every detail from the freshly baked pumpkin bread upon arrival to the great cooking pans and comfy mattress! Becky and Michael provide an exceptional retreat I truly hope to visit again.
Sorry about the smooshed bugs on windscreen.
Here's our lovely Nissan Altima Hybrid rental. What a comfortable ride with zip!
Love that car.
Where I had my morning cup. The first morning we were there I was awoken by the sound of frantic wings beating- the hummers feeding at the window.
What a view!
This little guy was so cute- we went to see him again a second day.
He was in the same area hunting and posed for more photos.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
DIY Squirrel Baffler
The resident squirrel gets denied
For some time now, the resident squirrels have been running the suet feeder- scaring the birds away. I saw the male downy woodpecker try to defend the feed by buzzing the squirrel a couple times to no avail...I quickly grew tired of chasing the squirrels away every time they neared the feeder so I turned to the internet. I read online that some people have greased the pole with petroleum but did not like that idea. I even sprinkled chili powder on and around the food- they say birds don't mind it but squirrels do. I have found that to be false.
Finally, my brilliant husband made his own squirrel deterrent by shielding the post with steel wire mesh. The squirrels have made several attempts to get to the feed, but so far no luck. One squirrel climbed a tree about 20 feet away and looked longingly at the suet. He seemed to be surveying his options and wondering if he could make the jump. And the birds don't seem to mind the mesh at all. Flickers and downy woodpeckers both fed without incident after we installed the new squirrel deterrent.